I am surprised by the type of reviews on this serial. Surprised, because past life regression therapy is a well known therapy and was first introduced by Dr.Mike Blauer in 1960. Surprised, because they do not know even about their own culture which defines reincarnation as a definitive process. Most of the reviewers are not aware of the developments in the fields of astrology and PLR. PLR can be easily proved because one can find about the relations of the past life and visit the place to confirm this. Rationalism defines itself as a process for true explanation of a phenomenon rather than trying to beat the bush by calling it a staged thing. For example pseudo science will not believe in life after death phenomenon. They will get some illogical data to prove their point but there are people and research which can prove them otherwise. For their updates they should read details on this page from Dr. Michael Sabom ‘https://near-death.com/experiences/evidence01.html’ .
They should study latest scientific methods used to prove telepathy and premonitions. These are published by The British Science Association and no ill informed body. They need to break open their shells to understand the difference between true rationalism and their own brain child.
The reviews are disheartening because as Indians they should study their own culture and preserve their heritage. They should be ashamed of themselves as they are talking about a culture which is as old and as scientific as the origin of Mankind.
Here I would like to add few more data:
1. For those of you who think this is easy, it is definitely anything but not easy. What we see are cuts and edited files. Watch the program carefuly, read the subs and you will realize that it takes around 1 to 2 hours to reach that stage.
2. For those who do not believe this, they can go and put themselves on the place of participants. They will realize the truth.
3. Dr.Tripati Jain is an expert of this area and PLR is not hypnotism. They are not reaching any trans stage. Please read and study PLR to comment about this developed science.