Short, shweet, mushy, entertaining, most definitely. If that is what Aditya and SRK hoped to achieve, then they do have a winner in their hands.
But can I be honest, who are we kidding, not the astute audience for sure. It was Romantic Raj all over again under the guise of Simple Surinder who won at the end of the day or should I say movie. Sure, Taani stayed with Surinder out off respect but cant help but see that the happily-ever-after Taani was because she got Romantic Raj within Simple Surinder. Tujh mein raJ dikhta hai Surinder!
Now if they had made Raj more Surinder-like, clumsy, unsure, diffident, who couldnt dance even if he tried his best, couldnt have beat the Sumo guy, made them lose the dance contest - now guys make Taani love Surinder, that would be challenging, after all thats reality! Sure Surinder is real, but sadly the story is not.
But a well spun web nevertheless!;-0
SRK as Suri - restrained and in the character
Vinay Pathak as Bobby Khosla - acted his part
Adi - kadak direction and kept the movie short
Anushka - excellent expressions(not sure if accolades should go to her or the director.)
Suri as Raj - Unrealistic & illogical
SRK as Raj - could have been more like Suri while enacting Raj
Storyline - Glorified Suri but Raj won the girl as usual