Race 3 is an indian action thriller movie. It was released on 15June, 2018. It is directed by Remo DSouza. It is produced under Tips Films & Salman Khan Films. The film features Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Jacqueline Fernandez, Daisy Shah, Saqib Saleem, Freddy Daruwala. It is third movie of Race series. First two were starred by Saif Ali Khan. It has a different story than first two movies of this series. Anil Kappor Played role of Samsher Singh. Samsher Singh owns a island Al-Shifa. He trades arms & narcotics behind this island. Salman Khan played role of Sikander Singh. Sikander is Samshers adopted son. While Sanjana & Suraj are his biological childrens. Sanjanas role is played by Daisy Shah. Surajs Role played by Saqib Saleem. Bobby Deol played role of Yash. Yash is a good friend of Sikander Singh & business associate of Samshers Empire. In flashback scene, it is revealed that Rana Vijay is Samshers business rival. Role of Rana Vijay is played by Freddy Daruwala. When both Sanjana & Suraj both aged 25 years. Samshers family lawyer reveales his dead mothers Will. According to the will, 25% of his property entitled to both Sanjana & Suraj each. Rest of 50% of his property entitled to Sikander Singh. This cisible diparity, the twins begin hating Sikander. In a flashback scene, it is revelaed that Smasher Singh belongs to Handia village. Sikander Singh is son of Samshers elder brother. Both the Singh brothers used to supply weapons to Indian Army. Local politicians wants Singh brother to supply illegal weapons. But Samshers brother refuses. Samshers brother killed one of politicians son. One day brother of Samsher is died in Car blast. Samsher send Sikander to Beijing and Sikanders mother to Combodia. Back in present, Shamshers best friend came to meet him at Al-Shifa and tells him that his friend hotel in india used by the politicians for lacivious motives. And his friend made video of all the politucians. Which were stored in a hard drive. His friend hide that hard drive in a bank locker at combodia. Shamsher appoints Sikander to get that hard disk from that locker. Jessicas role played by Jacqueline. Jessica was Sikanders girlfriend in past when he was at Bejieng. But she betryaed him. Now , She is girlfriend of Yash. One day Yash found Sikander at Jessicas appartment. Later, Sikander tells Yash that both of their past interaction with Jessica were planned by Suraj and Snajana. Sikander, The twins and Yash executes the plan to get the hard disk.
Sikander gives that hard disk to Shamsher. Shamsher tries to kill Sikander by planting a bomb in his car. He heads to the conference with the politicians in the presence of twins. He plays the video of hard disk and shocked by finding that disk is not the original one. That disk contains only one video Sikanders mother. In video Sikanders mother reveals that Sikanders father were killed by Shamsher. And the twins were not Shamshers child. They were Sikanders biological brotger & Sister. Sikander arrives and explain how he escape the explosion, Thanking to Raghu Chacha. He tells that he knows this truth from ten years & pretending to loyal to Shamsher. Shamsher tells that Yash is his real son. At climax, a fight scene were happens & Sikander destroys the army of Shamsher. Sikander hand over them to the Jessica who were a interpol officer. They were arrested and taken to Handia Jail.
At last, Shamsher seems to be bribe police officer of jail. And Yash seem to be workout in the cell. And the movie ends. Music of this movie very good.