WE bought a RACOLD 35 letre geyser from Excel Traders(Commercial Street, Bangalore) in September 2006. Yesterday(9th February 2007) the pipe carrying hot water from the geyser to the shower burst(apparently because the thermostat in the geyser is broken and is actually heating water to over a 100 degrees).
What is appalling is not so much that this happened - but the complete indifference by Excel Traders(the sellers) and Racold Customer Service(the makers). They are both refusing to take responsibility and are passing the buck.
The owner of Excel Traders was rude and completely unwilling to even talk to us - and the lady at the Customer Center at racold was rude and abruptly hung up when we tried to convince her of the problem.
Our bathroom is rendered useless until the pipe/ geyser is fixed - the main water tap has had to be shut off.
We are contemplating going to Consumer Court with this one. after all, someone could have been badly burnt! Does anyone have any advise on what we can do?
Please write into guptaanjali@hotmail.com
Best Regards
Anjali Gupta