Its been months, back from Canada I am writing review for Radio City, hope its not too late.
Recently heard Radio city when I was driving back home, felt that never to hear again.
1) Too many advertisements
2) Anchors boosting about him/herself
I and my friends when driving back home, happen to hear Radio City after a very long time, we felt that Anchors were speaking lot about themselves which wasnt necessary at all..Most of us dont care - look of an Anchor behind the screen, as long as they can communicate clear. Many Anchors (regardless of channels) speak only to their fans (1 to 5%) they tentatively forget that some inhabitants of Bangalore wouldnt even know them. Bangalore being a very busy place many have Zero time, most of us make time when commuting to office and home back. Radio City can make the best utilization of these hours for productive and quality talks. Lets together make Bangalore The Best Place
Advertisements: We understand media make profits through advertisements, but at the same time too much of advertisements are very irritable, Radio city might tentatively loose its customers if continues
It is only media can make Bangalore The Best Place