With WIN 94.6 going to the graveyard for the 2nd time, the next preferred FM radio station Radio City 91 FM has now become the most preferred. I bought a nokia 6610 only because it had the radio feature in it. Very seldom do I change the channel from radio city to any other. My morning is all pepped up with Ravi I R and Simply Prachi doing their monkey stunts on Kasakai Mumbai and then we have Anirudh who claims to be the deewana no. 1 to infinity.
The steal on radio city is yaadien the show hosted by Karan Singh. I am sure that a lot of women will agree with me that Karan Singh is the best thing that happened to the radio world. And now of course there is Film City Express hosted by Roshan Abbas.
Radio City has the best selection of songs to be played during the day and what also works to their advantage is that they are in direct connection with the Star TV network that makes their presence even stronger. A great team of RJs who completely rock and the various contests that they run only help them to become more and more popular.
But, like each coin has 2 sides, even Radio City inspite of its great image and presence in the media and entertainment world, has its own set of flaws. With a great set of shows from morning to night, the irritating interruption is that of the long commercial breaks. While I know for a fact that any media house, be it a publication, channel or a radio station, would not survive without the advertisers, I strongly believe that too much of anything is bad.
So also the too many and the too long commercial breaks on radio city can cause a sense of irritation amongst the listeners. Thats the only time when people would want to switch to another radio station.
The other thing in my opinion that is not so great about the station is the inclusion of 2 soaps (Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi and Saans). These serials are bad enough to be watched on television with so much of boo hoo hoo, and now theyre causing some tear flow on radio too.
All in all, inspite of the few cons that in my opinion exist, radio city on the whole is an awesome radio station to listen to. Total time pass it is!!!