Gone were the days when we had only one choice to listen to music on radio which was cheap. Local radio station VIVID BHARATI. 10.00 pm to 11.00 pm. That was the only time where we could recharge whole days work.
I was brought up in a Joint family with a small rental accommodation, when availability of good houses & money was less. Till bachelor in our life we had to sleep in our factories at night time along with all 5 cousins. Our only entertain at that time we could afford was to buy a little transistor with a sharing from all brothers and hear to music.
Being adamant lover for music, I love RADIO CITY 91.1 aired in the skies of cyber age city Hyderabad.
I love the songs played by RJ Rahoul very much. And also by RJ Love Guru.
I have installed a car stereo system in my Bed room as it is very compact in size.
As soon as I return from my work at around 7.00 pm I am surrounded by my son & daughter to play Telugu songs aired on Radio City at this hour of time, Which has helped them to learn Local language as our mother tounge is Gujarati & we all speak Gujarati at home.
Except my wife who come from Karnatak, we all love to hear RJ pranavi, RJ Shanker Dada .
At about 9.00 pm we all eagerly wait for RJ Rahoul, who serves us Hindi Songs from 1970 & 80 music which is pure like diamond to hear.
I have to patch up with my wife to allow me to hear Love Guru with a promise that I wont sleep in the Half way of the programs & take responsibility to switch off the radio Mid night.
The quality and selection of songs compared to other stations is at the best.Now I never try to compare with other stations.
If I am on a long drive with my friends in their respective cars & if at all I am Driving, I never allow them to play music CD, instead I switch to Radio City.
Another best program to listen is 20 hit songs of Hindi played on Sundays afternoon, followed by Hit 40 songs of Telugu which completes my Sunday.
With the kind of music available on Radio City my 3 generations of collection of LP records, Cassettes & some of the audio/mp3 are lying idle at ware house.