6 months back I got an FM mobile and so during my 1 hr travel , started to listen to the channels.
Well not well versed in the local language of Bangalore, the only choice was Radio indogo 91.9
The overall program quality is very bad. all conversations sounds artificial, thanks to some fake jack like other end who calls himself as melody Austin or melody something.
Monday blues, terrific Thursday...... do people actually give in to these thoughts ? I find people even calling the station and admitting to Monday blues or have a nice weekend .... seems very poosh and artificial to me. Anyone who is serious about his work would in fact look forward to it after a two days rest. The other categories would be someone who has has a huge EMI.
Why bring artificiality here ... why copy all the crap from the west?... I have heard these "blues" and "TGIF" in the US but they have given up all these since the 1980s ..and UGHGHGhh the questions placed in front of audiences .
"what would you do if you were to talk only the truth to your husband" and .."dont worry your mom is safe there in heaven"
Do you actually believe people approve these things ... or ...wait ......maybe there are dumb phone users who may have these thoughts ...the RJs (hosts) really not telling to shut the whole thing off... but please do your job well... try to instill some values into your crap audiences... or at the most .......... stop talking,
Just put in those commercials ... announce the song title and pla it .... thats at least better..isnt there anyone who monitors your yapping there ? or are there so plenty dumb people that you can recruit...
The broadcast quality is too low. low volume etc.
With this I never think that radio indigo would improve...just like everything else in this place... GARBAGE
But hey ...... atleast I find those kannada FM channels a bit sweet and worth.