All things apart, I think there is no doubting that 102.60 provides the best uninterrupted music compared to any other fm channel. One of the best shows being takeoff presented by gini on every wednesday at 8 am. By my opiniun she was and will be the best rj there ever willbe.
her sweet voice and her cool attitude added with her immense knowledge oif rock music made her show a pleasure to listen to .
Unfortunately something I am really upset about is that, today on 11\04\07
she has presented her last show for a long time.I wish her best of luck for her life ahead and thank her for all those rocking wednesday mornings. Before her show I never thought that getting up early could be such a pleasure .
I dont know how it will be to go to coll every wednesday morning and not listing to her energetic voice,
Guess ill just have to do with listening to those commercial soldout private stations, or pray for a good anchor like gini to come as her replacement, thoughthats never going to happen but I think being an optimist is The best option at times.