Dear Friends,
Most of us in the metro cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune) are used to listening the cliched Radio Mirchi - Its hot punchline on FM airwaves to an almost nauseating point these days. Let me get things straight - to begin, the name itself is unsuitable to a radio station because playing hot music isnt the only thing a radio station is supposed to do.
Ive heard enough of this Radio Mirchi in Ahmedabad, Pune & Mumbai ( God save me ). All that these guys seem interested in playing are sick remixes of old classics and hammering them day in and day out. Most of their RJs just squeal and howl as if somebody is literally thrusting in a mirchi up their rectum...pardon me if I sound offensive but this is the fact. These RJs keep on uterring absolute nonsense and only pain your ear-drums and when the entropy & chaos in your living room reaches an unbearable level the only way out is to use the tuner and shut up these guys...i wonder who pays them for just sounding idiotic and foolishly cheerful on air.
Coming onto the quality of music, barring a few shows like The Retro Hour, hardly any program is worth mentioning. These guys just play new Hindi film music and shitty remixes. Also the programs are more or less similar and other than the idiotic male/female irritating you between two songs who changes after 2 hours the song repitition rate in a given day is very high.
These days they have also started reading out aloud The Times of India as if we dont know how to read. Also their traffic information is so precise and so informative that itll outmatch even the New York police. Total rubbish I say ! Please give us a break guys, get these excited electrons off air and let them reach their ground energy levels so that they can be more soft on the ears and more importantly get the content of your music right.
Thats it. Thanks for your patience.