Mirchi yeh mirchi KAMAL kar gayi Dhoti ko fad ke rumal kar gayi
When ever I thought of Radio Mirchi; I remember this song from one of the movies of Rambha and Mithun Da.
Why I like Radio-Mirchi
The basic concept of this channel came into picture from the fact that more than 90% of the young people travel approximately 2-4 hours daily in metro cities to reach their offices and back. And hence to entertain people while they are travelling Radio Mirchi came into existence; during travelling it is difficult to carry a
TV or some other entertainment media.(It does not mean that people can only listen to Radio-Mirchi only when they are traveling.)
Affordable Entertainment Media
Now In Pune market I can see a new type of FM radio... You can get a FM radio of rupees 50/60. The manufactures of this type of radio are focusing the fans of the Radio-Mirchi as their valuable customers. This is a very small one in size and it has an earphone attached to it. So, you can just play the stereo and put the ear phones into your ear while you are travelling(By which means you travel does not matter.You may use bus, train car, two-wheelers, anything you like). Can you entertain yourself with Television so easily...What a great idea of entertainment with such an affordable price is not it ?
One most important thing I would like to share with you..... Since Radio Mirchi is focussing mainly the young generation; its programs are full of Dhoom and Masti.
Hence if you are more than 40 years old then please excuse Radio-Mirchi.....
But if still you want to try it then I would suggest you to listen to Khoko Patil in Radio Mirchi; I am sure he will make you like Radio Mirchi by his unique style of host.