Like all Pune Mirchi Fans even I like 93.9 FM. But the only thing that I never like about these guys is - they are not at all consistent on one language while speaking. All the Mirchi RJs speak Hindi + English + Marathi at the same time. This may destroy the pure and sweet languages. Because of these RJs even children are getting confused about the words i.e. which word is from which language. I completely understand that in Pune there are non-Marathi people as well. But I think we should make them understand Marathi, too. The way RJs speak Marathi, sounds funny (as many of them, speak Marathi with Hindi / English accent). Many people enjoy Radio Mirchi (may be more than their family member’s mutual communication), so I think RJs are the best teachers as well.
I don’t want to suggest that ‘speak Marathi only’, but want to say that RJs should speak atlist in one consistent language. Their management may decide that which show will be conducted in which language like Marathi, Hindi or English! Rest, the Mirchi is rocking!!