The movie raees remembers us a life of a earlier criminal Abdul Latif lets now talk about the movie a well known directer Rahul Dholakia has made it in the movie raees the main role was of our well known king khan of bollywood Mr shahrukh khan playing the role of raees in the movie with his co acctress she is newly in bollywood Mahira khan raees is from fatehpur, Gujarat gets involved in illegal activities in young age with his friend sadiq they smuggles alcohol illegally by bribing police then he meets with musabhai and nawab in mumbai with there help he started his bussiness J.A majmudar ips police officer who wanted to end the illegal smuggling of alcohols then raees was in love with Aasiya both of them done marrige soon majumundar get transfered to fatehpur and ge started to expose raees then jairaj wants to kill raees musa informed raees about the attack on him was by jairajso raees enters to jairajs bar and killed him then raees was in support of chief minister so he was not affraid of anybody majmudar take raees to jail for some reason and he cannot come out of jail with any reason so he thinks about to stand in election for coming out of jail so he stands and win amd come out of jail raees started his dream project then cm banned his dream project then raees thought how to return money of all people so moosa offered him a deal as raees bring his golds to india and he will give money so raees brounght it but it was not gold it was rdx which destroyes the area of gujrat so he angrly go near moosa and killed him for his cheating and surrender him to majmudar and tell him to shoot him in the place of dream project and majmudar shooted him as he being shot , Raees experience a dramatic flashback of his entire life as he falls down dead the movie ends that time .it was a great action and 5 star movie for me I want to see many more movies like this I am thankful to all the team to makethis a great movie aswm acting of king khan