It is a aWeSOm movie.SRK sir always gave a best shoot anD do best acting in any role and in this movie He was act a role of RaEes which was so suitable and aTtractive for SRK .This story was belong to a Gujarat whEre RaEes born anD hE belong to a poor family but he wanna do their business but when he start working under anyone.This movie is about the supply of alcohol in Gujarat how they made and how RaEes supply it.when RaEez open his own business he was very famous and also help other people in their needs.And the U turn is when he decided to make a Apni duniya.He devoted all his money on it and also in people help but their dream was Not be full fill because of some money problem but in the greed of money he supply the bomb but he really doesnt know what was inside the boxes.He supply it and take money but when he knows that he do really a big mistake.He decided to handover himself to police aT last he died in encounter.so;this movie was too gooD .Story is also Good anD soMe Time comedy makes it funny.anD salute to All the film production to make this aWeSOm movie after a long time.So.guys you should watch it.