Hellow Friends,
I am not a regular reader of novels but read them in between for a change and mind you rage of angels was a really good novel I tried.
This was my first Sidney Sheldon novel, in fact my first novel at all and I found novels so interesting that I sacrificed some of my time of non fiction reading to novels.
Now lets see whats so good about this novel,
FIRST, It is written in a very simple and straight language, you dont need a dictionary besides you while you read this novel, this actually makes things interesting becuase if you have to refer to the dictionary every now and then, it decreases your reading speed and it also tends to interfere with your interest.
SECOND, the plot of novel is very fast, the story moves at a very quick pace and takes amazing curves and totally unexpected things happen as you go on with the story, you think that a certain thing must or may happen in the comming story line but somthing totally opposite and totally thrilling happens and you suddenly get more and more interested in the novel. Also becuase of the pace of the story the interest never gets hampered, the author has brilliantly managed to hold the reader from one chapter to another.
THIRD, the story of novel is very powerful, it is however a cut above average theme and one of the common themes - Mafia and their lawyers or some lawyer getting involved with mafia, but the way the author has managed the story makes it really exciting to read. Every ingredient of a good novel is there, drama, suspense, thirll, murder, deciet, romance, love - everything.
It is a very interesting read and gives a nice insight into the lives of attornies and US senators, how busy and hectic their lives can be. Other than that the story and the plot of novel are very good, interesting and bone chillers, absolute thrillers.
Read it out folks, I took just 1 day to finish it, it will make a very good read.
Khagesh Gautam