Well before I start here all I would like to say is is that I am a Rahul
Dravid fan no doubt but my views expressed here are not biased by that.
I try to logically analyse with my knowledge abt cricket(Well guys I know I am a girl but generally I have played a lot of cricket as a kid and infact even went for a summer camp...)so
with knowledge I try to make a decision here.
I am quite disturbed at the fact that Rahul has been ridiculed as a turtle.But hey the your very calling him that suggests the fact that the turtle actually won the race slips conveniently off your mind.
See I agree he is no Afridi for that matter even a tendulkar...but hey be fair.Every individual differs and just as we accept family and friends as they are, why dont we just accept him?Look I know this one of the lamest excuses one can ever give.
Rahul is a very proficient batsmen who has his fundas perfectly in place.It is easy to be a hitter but a guy with fundas alwys scores over a guy who just flings his bat around. Fine agreed afridi, jayasuriya and co are the ones who rule the LOI scenario.BUt hey isnt it necesaary that there is one rock solid batsmen at the other end?How many times have we heard this after a match from an Indian matchwinnerI was so comfartable having Rahul at the other end.That speaks volumes abt the mans character.His dedication and integrity has been total.Here I would like to make a mention of his Test debut at LORDS.When he was on 95 , he nicked the ball to the keeper and walked.That is just an example of the stuff that guy is made up off. See cricket has become a sorry state of affairs now, with the scandals.We need a clean game now atleast for the sake of millions of us who breathe , sleep cricket!
I would also like to make a mention of his ability to hold hold cool against all odds.Saurav Ganguly has been known mamy times to simply let loose all profanity depriving the game of its gentleman spirit.Imagine when we ourslves let loose our individual dictionarieswhen irked on the road by traffic mistakes.It takes a lot of selfcontrol to remain mum during despite heavy sledging.He just lets the bat do the talking.
Rahul has been a slow hitter, but hey if all were the HIT OUT, GET OUT
type who would actually sustain the batting order?His Shots are out of a cricket book, perfect cover drives, clean cuts, rocksolid defence.He is the person any aspiring cricketer would choose to follow to learn the game right.
Rahul dravid, though aint a hardhitter, his presense does give the side a need solid support.So all you Anti-dravid guys out there, I hope this gives you some food for thought.