Well, I have read a lot of novels by John Grisham and a few of them were quite good.But, after a while, you start getting bored with the same old usual law routine in his novels.Well, i can definitely guarantee you that this book will definitely not bore you.It contains the usual courts, lawyers etc etc but the pace is fast and the story is so entertaining that you hardly notice the pages skipping away.and, for the Mills and Boon fans, theres a pretty interesting love story at the base of the plot.Hmmm...Grisham and romance dont usually mix, but hes done a fairly good job.On to the story...
Rudy Baylor is an young law student, just finished college with a bright life in front of him.But the law irm that recruits him suddenly drops him and in a space of a day, he doesnt have a job or a prayer...except for one:an insurance company dispute that leaves a family devastated and opens the door for a legal lawsuit, that is if Rudy can find a way to file it.Rudys a young lawyer who does yard work to pay his rent..until this one little case begins to explode to massive proportions...
When Rudy finally gets to court, hes all alone and facing a heavyweight corporate defence team.All of a sudden, hes plunged into a nightmare of lies and legal maneuverings.A case that started small is exploding into a thunderous multimillion dollar war of nerves, skill and outright violence...and the odds are stacked heavily against Rudy.Then the 4-day trial begins and these four days can cost a young lawyer his life..or turn him into the biggest rainmaker in the land...