I disagree with the negative comments put on this blog about Rainbow (some of them are totally untrue, and I can tell this by my personal experience).
I have delivered my 2nd baby with Rainbow Hospital, Hyderabad (My first bay was born in Pune). My experience was very pleasant in my second delivery. I have gone for Epidural after the labor pain of 3 hours & after taking epidural even I have waited to deliver for approx 4-6 hours but it was almost painless (some pain can not be avoided, and there is no gain without pain!).We avoided a C section and a healthy baby was born by normal delivery.
The comments about charges and "costly" hospital are baseless.
Like any corporate hospital, there is a financial assistance desk, at the time of admission they explain all the tarrifs.
Its our responsibility to listen to the rule and regulations carefully and follow them.
Nobody can cheat anybody, where there are clear procedures and when the tariffs can be compared with other corporate hospitals.
I can say this with my personal experience, and would like the "would-be-moms" to experience the same on their own.
Just enter the place and you will know you are in a clean, neat place.
They have a highly sophisticated operation theatre, labour rooms and New born ICU (in case if your baby needs any medical treatment ICU is in the same building).The doctors and nurses were cordial, and there was smooth sailing for me all along.
I was shocked to see negative remarks on baseless issues and false information.On this blog Ms Swetha wrote about parking problems, I dont agree with her at all.We stayed in the hospital for two days, and before that we visited several times for consultations, we never had any problem! The hospital has Vallet parking and there are so many drivers to take care of your car!!