Raincoat is a moment when two lovers meet after 6 years. But this one from RGhosh is a flick.It lacks the classics and beauties of an art film and it is not a commercial movie.So the movie doesnot know what category it belongs to.
For art movie lovers, the movie does not convey any message(not a negative point though) and plot is so simple that it doesnot interest anyone as it comletely lacks any originality and dimension to think about(Specially those who have read Ohenry).
Nothing in movie catches u or let u think about when u come out .I completely disagree with those who say last five minutes was great in the movie since itZ not a suspense movie or stuff that u wait for last five minutes to rate a movie. The conversation between duo looks good for first few minutes but then there is a lot of repetition in the scene that it turns everyone bore(except those who are so happy with the last scene that they dont realize this).
Unnecessary repetition on same thing for 1.5 hours make the movie worst.A good art movie is slow but repetition of even the good plot kills the entire beauty which is the case in this movie also. As far as performances are concerned, I have to agree that Ajay Devgan is improving with his every next film and now he has reached to that category of legend classic actors. But Aishwarya Rai has shown just an average acting.She lacks in one very important thing (which is the real acting ) that she acts a rural background female who cannot speak english well which has been shown many times in the movie but at times she forgets what she is acting and speaks a language which is not meant for her character(this is really tough but this is what is acting).Many times in movie, when she speak , it clearly looks that this is not what she is acting for.
Aishwarya Rai has shown just an average performance in such a challenging role. Annu kapoor really wakes u up in movie when u r about to sleep listening same thing for so long. Overall , something original was expected (obviously not drama, art side only) which we have not encountered before and makes the audience really think something different when they comeout. This is a fact that if u r copying the plot from some text and make an attempt to make a hindi movie of this type on that, no audience will love that( except the few who claim they are different) neither the art lovers nor the commercial fans. And as expected movie had to be a flop and has been declared a flop by this time.