I booked myself for a tour into the far east via Raj Tours and Trv in Pune. The summary:
proper information on documents required provided
no updates thereafter on the visa status - visas for Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand was to be done
no updates of any other kind - travel tips etc which could easily have been provided
the office promised me a free ticket on Raj travels bus from pune to mumbai. Based on this, I purchased 2 additional ticks for the bus for my parents (not joining on the tour)
the office did not issue me the promised free ticket and changed the stance indicating they had only assured they would try to get me a free ticket - as if doing me a favor. I asked for a refund, got none from pune. Wrote to the mumbai office and the refund was given immediately.
On reaching thailand, we were kept waiting for 3 hours since 25% of the passengers had a visa-on-arrival
due to the delay, the arrival at the lunch place was delayed and instead of lunch, we were served snacks. The passengers were very decent and did not make an issue of this.
on two occasions, we were stranded in places because the bus supposed to pick us up did not arrive on time and there was no accountability on the part of the guide at either locatoin.
the rest of the trip was okay - no great shakes though for the money you pay
The overall attitude is very business like with no personal touch at all. At times one wonders if they really believe they are doing us a favor by taking us on their tour!! My recommendation would be to inquire details to the minutae before going on this tours and travels. They would perhaps act very busy and pricey when it comes to providing info but you need to persist in your own interests!