We are thankful to this restaurant.......what an awesome ambience.....our first date went smooth.....little bit slow on service.....but that was cool....too ....every thing was perfect....we also met one of the coaching tutors for the Physics.....He was a Physics nerd.....and talked like a nerd. Gave us his number.....9351622183.....You wont believe his age was around 25-30 years......
My girl friend asked some of the physics question...he answered them there itself and told us that we can call him and he will solve our physics problems....free of cost.!!!! My girl friend....she asked whether her friends can also call for the problems....you know what he said....
they can call....but they better be quick.....
We still remember that day..... and now I dont see her much too often due to distance....still we always talk about the dinner we had in the restaurant.....
The guy made a remarkable impression on us.........
do visit the restaurant sometime.