I have been a owner of this particular brand of bike for the last 4.5 yrs and I would recommend it to any speed freak who has the penchant to see the other side of 100kmph and whos one of the logos in life is Life begins at 100 kmph. Well I have owned around 3 RDS during this span of time and have got to know the vehicle like my back of palm. Though I wouldnt recommend it to those souls who have the habbit of asking whats the kmpl a vehicle gives rather the top whack.............
So if you havent ridden one till date , go and ride one now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I have been told by manymembers on this forum the reviews should be thorough, so I ll come to a few technical things about the RD which makes it one of the best bikes till date and that is the very same reason that it made into the CYCLE magazines 100 best bikes of the century. The RD was derived from the R5 series of bikes of YAMAHA which were used for road racing but all of them were piston ported and so YAMAHA came up with a new technology called the reed valves which introduced a phenomena called the torque induction. If you want more performance for your bike go for boyeseen reeds.
Also most of us know that the bike that made it to India was 30.5 BHP in the beginning detuned from the original 39 BHP and was later detuned again to 27 odd BHP , but any body who has ridden the original HT s know what acceleration is . It does 0-60 in 4.5 odd seconds and 0-100 in 7 odd seconds.
Generally the bike came with 140 main jets but if one rejets the bike with 165 jets then I think you can make the move faster. One of my friend rejetted his to 180 and whoa man it moves!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats it for now.
Thats my 2 cents