Got my RD from the Faridabad Factory of Escorts on September 07, 1983. Brand New ! A superb HT bike (one of the earliest releases from Escorts), which is capable of 160+ Kmph. I have owned Yamaha from 50 cc to 350 cc, but boy, nothing comes even close to the RD. When you buy an RD you dont ask for the mileage. If you do, you cant afford the RD !!
An RD is a way of life. Once you ride an RD, you simply cannot ride any other bike. You dont want to ! My bike is still in MINT condition, with original paint, chrome, cables, even the meter bulbs and every nut/bolt/screw is from the factory since 1983. I have clocked 50, 000 + Kms omn the bike and she is still like NEW. Even when I ride her today (sparingly) I get the exhilerating feeling that I got when I rode her out from the company in 1983.
Dont compare the RD to any other bikes. Compare other bikes to the RD....only then will one know what an RD is. I dont know what kind of a genius design team Yamaha of Japan had, when they designed and created the RD, but after the RD, there has been no other bike so well put together by Yamaha. In all respects.
I only wish the 2-stroke laws are again relaxed so that Yamaha can again come out with another world rocking RD !!