Rajiv gandhi proudhogiki vishwavidyalaya is also known by its short form rgpv . It is situated in bhopal and has almost 80% of colleges ubder it . It jt biggest unuversity of madhya pradesh 4 out of 5 students are grafuated and become and engineet from this university. But the university doesnt goes with eveyones expectation.
There are many scams in this university . They chnage exams date at the last time . Changes exam time table 2-3 times before exam . The biggest drawback of rgpv univiersity is it copy checkers and its failing srudents for no reason and earning money . There are many incidents of failing of topper students . Basically what happens is when exam time comes , students fill exam form online . For each subject rgpv charges 300 rs so there are 5 subjects so your total charge is 1500 rs but if u fail in any subject then you have to fill dat exam form again so got monry from that . Secondly there is an option of retotaling for which it charges 50 rs and revaluation for which it charges 500 per subject . So if one gets fail and he/she is sure that he is passing so will fill revaluation form so he/she fills form and gets pass and no refund criteria if you are pas .
I have seen my friends who were toppers of class got back in subjects and when revalutaed they passed with B+ or A so this is the scheme to earn. Ans one more option is challange when they dont even pass you in revluation then you can go to rgpv which is in bhopal and say them to open your copy and tell you where are your marks lacking . For that also an online form is filled for which they charge you 2200 rs . And when you reach there even if your question answers are right they argue for a single line single dot .
I am sharing my personal experience I got back in engineering drawing which I was confident that it will be cleared but thr result was negative . I did not losse hope ande filled revaluation form and again the result was same . As I was confident that I have anssered right I moved forward on challange . First rhey didnt mailed me copy after so many times of emailing and registerinf complainy they sent me copy which was not atall clear . And then when you go their they make you wait for no reason . And whrn the copy comes you would regret that why you are not a female . As what happened with me is that I got 15 marks and for grace marks I needed 2 more marks as my all other subjects were clear. So a boy neer me got 0 and a girl got 9 marks I showed them my anser that this 14 marks question is totally right and you have to give me marks of not 14 atleadt 10 oor five even 4 marks can works . But he counter a silly line mistake which was not valid . another who got 0 had no option he has to leave and the girl got 9 marks . The investigator their said us to leave the room after making so many request and as we were getting out he increased the marks of the girl who just got 9 marks and passed her and had no mercy on me also I could get marks . So this happens in rgpv . Please be careful and font take admisssion here in m.p. . Go for big unuversities . Atleast they are fair . So please take care .