Rajputana Holiday Makers - Jaipur hire cheap sub operators who cut every corner starting from the kind of people they hire to the hotels to other arrangements.
They show least sensitivity to any of your requirements and soon you will realize that you have been duped to this so called holiday wherein its as good as you have just been robbed of lakhs of rupees.
They do not care about feedback or any inconvenience as you have already paid for most part of the trip. They go to the extent of not switching on AC in the cab to save on fuel even after you have requested n number of times and your kid is crying because of the heat. They book hotels wherein you are the only gurest with no basic amenties.
There is lot of lies to start with and it continues till mid of your tour. later they are very open & proud to say that you have been duped.
very irritating & awful experience even when you call up their supervisors as they are the architects of this agonizing experience. even though you pay a lot you get very little.
Please do not get duped with their initial words as you will realize the hard way that these people are unfit to organize any holidays.