You will require at least two days to totally see it so arrange Ur trip so.
Ramoji film city is one of the most pleasant spots to find in Hyderabad. The spot is clean to the point that the moment you enter the entryways you can hardly imagine how you are still in India. The spot is enormous and extremely all around finished. The Hotel SITARA is delightful and has an amazing pool. Yet, the nourishment was not that extraordinary. It is exquisite to stroll around and visit every one of the patio nurseries in ramoji film city.
Be that as it may I wont encourage anybody to visit this spot on a weekend or on an open occasion as it is generally stuffed with shouting school kids and the entire spot turns into a wreck. It is exquisite to invest energy in every one of the greenery enclosures as they are extremely all around manicured and wonderful to take a gander at.
The have stunt appears too which is an aggregate exercise in futility and not that awesome. But overall its a beautiful spot to spend the weekend there.