This hotel plays an important role in city of tiruchirapalli. I went to this hotel before 5months . firstly I went to reception hall to get a room . The way they gave respect to us is in a good way .floor is very goodly cleaned and floored with a green carpet which is very good to see. rooms are too good and clean . I found a free wifi . one thing I want to say is due to good culture of management and cleanliness I liked this hotel. bathroom is very clean. hot water is supplied through the day . If power is gone they will on generator this is very positive stay to customers .
I have took ac room hence room is very well with cool of ac . here food is good coffee is good actually no reservations is necessary for the room here .for any one who wants a good room with a normal range and good ac and good respect to us from staff should book room here it is very near to busstand