Best part abt the movie were the characters, all too real n cud b aligned with. acting I wud say brilliant, and definitely amir khan was trying to sound peppy like all the coke ads but we do find such ppl around so it was kinda acceptable.AAhhh as a madhavan fan I was sure to b let down. He shud hav shared a few more frames and definitely deserved more than a wooden-all-smiles frame.ya even I liked his jacket !!Not a genre movie for sure coz only a particular young section wud be able to feel the energy which the movie tried to enthuse.All the college goers and young lads must have been missing their gang if they made a mistake of going with their family like me :(
the four week when they were all out shooting was a treat n smthng one feels good abt n the comedy too was okay..n one thing I liked was the movie had some shades of warmth which was definitely welcoming.
Okay so the scene I like the most.. wen he proposed her and then wen they hugged and she cried..
Climax---okay.The director it seemed must hav read chetan bhagat real change in hindi movie...the hero wasnt invincible.Rest all masala.
loved it wen in the very beginning she said ma ki.... :D certainly not to b watched with mom by ur side.
*This review is written by a very close friend of mine, she went to see this movie and then mailed me, and I thought it would be good if I could publish this here. Even I havent watched this movie as of yet, however I am sure Ill go along with friends, and I believe its a wonderful movie!