Rang de basanti - points to ponder esp. for a person like me - I have been to college - a girls college though (thank God ! or else the strong Libran romantic streak that I possess ..I would have done the blunder of falling in love with any available ‘bloke) but the scenario was very different than (1991)...just about a decade has passed and so much decadence!
1.Boys watching Fashion TV in College Canteen!
- Heroine is seen wearing a colored baniyan (mens singlet/vest) with floral designed petticoat throughout the movie - what a dress code to college !! no dupatta on top as well!
3.Indians always need some gori chamdi (Fair Skinned) to awaken them from their ‘deep slumber?!
4.Story of Instant Karma - bcoz such utterly wasteful fools enacted the Great Freedom fighters - the Spirits / soul/ghosts of the freedom fighters got them killed!
- When they could take over the radio station - then why not do so before killing some Minister - the entire nation would have heard your grievance and acted promptly ...me thinks.
6.I feel that the rock-baaz, unemployed sons of Mother Kolkata are more intelligent than the educated fools - once in Barasat there was a problem to be resolved - the thugs just barged in the local Cable operators office and delinked the satellite transmission - 2 days we were sitting without watching TV...eventually all their grievances were taken care of!- NO BLOOD SHED- or hunger strike here - plain use of brains & technology !!
- Having watched movies like Hey Ram, Pinjar, Gadar, 1947-Earth…..etc, movies on independence wars...i feel that in a way it was good that the foreigners invaded India and made it more versatile ..or else we - Indian woman esp. would still have been doormats & baby producing machines all our lives..under egoistic blokes!the fact that foreigners invaded - we came to know how poor are our men as far as protecting our dignity is concerned! Absolute failures!
In Hey Ram - a couple of Indian slum dwellers gang rape Rani Mukherjee! After tying her boyfriend (Kamal Haasan)- later kamal kills them! So!? whats the big deal?! Rani died - the woman died along with her trust on men...& love for men..for having failed her….being unable to protect her dignity.
Also in Pinjar - couple of Indian Freedom fighters were working day & night to free India from the shackles of British rule whereas a different Indian group (born to probably lower class, uneducated cadre)- were kidnapping Indian women to make them their maids & keeps!
In Jaliyan Wala Baag ...just 2 -3 British Officers were there giving orders - the ones who shot the people assembled at the Baag were Indian Soldiers working for British Army ! So ? - it has always been like this - only tall claims of brotherhood is made- actually Indian males (esp. the ones in power) are just egoistic failure blokes....who could not, till date, construct a proper Administrative Structure to take care of Indian citizens..the entire Nation just seem to be busy promoting ‘Whoredom in India – just like it had been eons ago – Women to be used as a ‘sex object only. Period!
Also seen in 1947 Earth , Nandita Das (playing the role of a maid servant in this movie) had been pally to most of the males in her locality – but during the times of unrest – the same males drag her out to ‘gang rape her !- this means while she had been mixing with such men on a friendlier terms – the ‘sex-starved brutes had somehow managed to act ‘courteous by being polite to her…but given 1/4 th a chance – those very ‘male friends (between the age group of 21 to 65) pounce on her like hungry wolves!! – they were all Indians – no British Officer here !!
Conclusion : Many will take this review very badly...well maybe they could sing a song like apni to paathshala masti ki pathshala during their school/college days - who were born to the very rich - and were sure that they have ample financial security so just came to college to enjoy and eve tease - or belonged to very poor families - brainless - just frustrated to see the rich and the beautiful / handsome and imagined how lovely it would have been to be born in some rich family - thus follow the rich fools blindly ..maybe for free treats etc.
But we belong to middle class families - we have enough of everything and we understand the essence of education - for us apni pathshala was serious paathshaala - we studied for late hours to get good marks so that we could get a good job somewhere - and not booze and drink at some rich wasteful Idiots expense!