Today I saw the movie 4th time and still at the end my eyes were wet. Its been a long time that any movie affects you like this. Its a good blend between the old times and current ones. The performaces are 1st rate and so is the camerawork.
There is a debate about the end of the movie but trust me there is no other end for this movie because this is what is happening in real life politicians do wrong and move scot free.
Watch the movie for its breath taking locales which say there isnt any shortage of vies in India, watch it for the supreb performances of Siddharth, Kunal and the complete cast, atch it because its an Amir film and yet its not as everyone performs. Watch it because it shows the confusion going on todays youth watch it because itmay give us a direction or atleat a thought....
This movie is worth many times a watch because it makes you think about our role in todays time, wt we are doing what we makes you think.....not once but even when you have moved out of the hall....