When it comes to RANG DE BASANTI, I just fall short of words. just when I thought that indian cinema could not get any better after sanjay leela bhansalis BLACK, Rang De Basanti came like a breeze of fresh air and made me think over my statement once again.
I am not going to explain the story in detail [ as many other people did ] bcoz I dont think anyone is unaware of it at this point . I will just jot down what I actually liked about the film and think that is quite path-breaking or recommendable :-
the way karan singhanias character was etched in total contrast to others, as if he wanted to say "i give a damn to this world". amazingly stylish was karan [ played by siddharth outstandingly ]
the fact that songs were not lip-synced but were yet picturised with such entertainment value and creative thoughtfulness.
the scenes when rakesh mehra uses the modern technical finesse to show the matching ideologies of the central characters with our freedom fighters.
camera work was highly eye catching and so were the shot taking patterns.
each and every character was defined to the maxima [ genuinely ] leaving no one dissatisfied.
the script may be a tad weak but the screenplay wasnt and fully compensated for it.
the film was starkly realistic and didnt helpfully ende up looking like a art film.
DJs complex character bringing a complex blend of lavability, fun-filled and serious nature.
my favourite moments :
when a RADIO listener [ in the climax ] tells karan that india is not going to be better, then karan looks up and says "KOI BHI DESH PERFECT NAHI HOTA, USE PERFECT BANANA PADTA HAI"
when DJ and LAXMAN have a silly fight, SUE gets upset n after convincing her, DJ good humouredly wails "BADI DRAMEBBAZ HAI"
when DJ after getting drunk wails "GALI KA [ that word wasnt allowed to be written here by mouthshut. not fair ! ] BHI NAHI BHOUNKEGA HAMARE MARNE PAR"
when KARAN comes out of the radio room, says "HO GAYA", n then the songs begins " AE SAALA........."
when DJ cries his heart out for his helplessness after the police just hammer them away from the india gate bringing ajays mom to the state of coma.
DJ and KARAN carefree of their death arriving in a few seconds chat and DJ jokes "BACHCHON KI FIKAR HO RAHI HAI, PATA NAHI BEHEN DE TAKKHE, GORE HONGE YA KAALE".
artists worth a mention [ dont expect me to list the reasons ] :-
[ in order of importance ]
rakeysh mehra
aamir khan
prasoon joshi [ for those who dont know, he was also the associate dialogue writer ]
de silva [ the associate screenplay writer, I just forget his name ]
atul kulkarni
alice pattern
soha ali khan
kunal kapoor
sharman joshi
kirron kher
to put it straight RDB is A complete entertainer, a highly thought provoking eye opener and a superbly crafted plot beautifully complemented by great characerisation, ethereal music and amazing cinmeatography.
i dont know what was so pecimistic in the climax when it is already explained that the authority was highly biased and wrong in sending black commandos to kill those rebelling courageous students.
thumbs up to the team of rang de basanti !