Rang de Basanti is old , I think it released in 2006-07 but it’s heavy gift from Marvellous Director, writer Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra to Indian Cinema. I loved his debut Aks which is simply out of the box cinema but as usual most of cry for new scripts , stories when it comes people can’t digest, that was what happened to Aks. In RDB rakesh got Aamir khan so one thing was clear it won’t be flop, it already created a kind of storm with music A.R.Rehman with new gulzaar Prasoon Joshi with his https://lyrics. Every thing was set. Curious audiences most of them were initially youth jumped on Box office & rest is history. Later RDB created a storm with media to solve Jessica’s murder. So overall it created a history which no one can forget.
After 4-5 films based on Bhagat Singh flopped, Rakesh stand by with his script with full confidence. What he did is simple he told the same Bhagat singh story in the way which attracted youth without preaching, full entertainment with a lesson to learn that no country is perfect the people makes the difference. Anyway I assume most of us are familiar with the plot still in short it starts with the story of an English filmmaker Sue(alice)who travels to the India to make a documentary about the freedom fighters mentioned in her grandfathers diary. She is in touch with Delhi University student Sonia(Soha Ali) with whom she plans to get the characters from university. Here she meets Sonia’s friends DJ(Aamir), Karan(Sidhharth), Aslam(Kunal) & Sukhi(Sharman).These guys are like any other college kids enjoying there lifes without caring about nation. Still Sue manages DJ & company to play their roles in her documentary. Than comes Laxman who hates all this mtv kind of stuff but patriotic. Some how all of them get ready to play. In between there are many dialogues which are thought provoking, funny & that’s plus point of Rdb. Sonia’s boy friend Madhawan is air India pilot & he dies in mig 21 crash, which changes this young people they becomes this era’s new freedom fighter.
Renzil & rakesh has co-written the script which is the soul of RDB. Effectively knit historical facts with modern themes & characters, its bcz of Mehra & Renzils smart writing & direction that straight away draws into Rang De Basantis spellbinding plot, which fly smoothly from past to present. While Aamir after Mangal pandey’s hard real character changes himself into young college pass out this is usual for him, Alice who as the friendly foreigner engross the locals with her excellent command of Hindi. But its the strong performances from the all together cast that impress mainly, all of whom are totally believable as cynical youngsters learning the importance of personal sacrifice.
Rakesh Omprakash Mehra is a director of the new budding Indian cinema, who always tries to bring something very different , not masala emotional crap. Another highlight of is the great use of cinematography method. Its probably for the first time in Indian cinema that contrasted D.o.p has been used with such a great effect. The way each character slowly engross into scenes from the past leaves imagining about the hard work that has gone in the background to create this, both technically & part of the actors. The film grows on you steadily. The director has made sure that there is a clear message in everything he shows, even the set of boys represents different faction of society & religion.
Creating an appeal for everyone watching it. Music is another high point of the show, foot tapping & with the mood of the plot. The songs give you a wisdom of freedom from within, a freedom to think in ones own way. That is Rehman at his best.