I** was fighting to get the DVD of Rang De Basanti, this movie did not display in the cinema in my country and there was no sign for the DVD in the market. Finally I got the DVD and YES I watched it yesterday and I was speachless. no word in my head to describe this movie.You people of India should be proud of this movie . I am also proud that I am big fan of bollywood and I can take this film to every body here and tell them PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE AND SEE THE BRILLIANCE OF BOLLYWOOD.( by the way I am not indian).
The brilliance of the movie is that although it is full of masseges but you dont feel bored, you dont feel that some one is saying do this and dont do that. the movie made me think of our generation , the youth of my country . what is happening in india is the same here in my country . I really wish that this movie is watched by the youths here.
any way I will not discuss the story but I have to discuss with you the performance:
Aamir khan( Dj): I think Aamir Khan acting should be tought in the acting schools. he is genius . I really forgot that Aamir khan is 40 years old. what a performance .
Karan: he is so confident in his acting, very good performance . I hope he get the chance to reach the stardom in bollywood.( I must mention here that he is so handsome also)
Aslam: I liked this carachter, especially that I am a muslim and the film showed us that this character doesnt feel that he is doing any thing wrong if he is friend to hindu or any other religion.because this is the real islam which is peace .
Sukhi: He so funny . he performed well especially at the end of the movie .
laxman: simply great .
my question is where is bollywood from these actors? they are better that most of the actors in bollywood.
Finally India you should feel proud of this movie.