Another Amir Khan flick with the theme of a generation awakens???.. Phew!! That was my initial reaction when I first read about this movie. Then, I visited Crossword, and happened to listen to a few tracks of this album there. Few songs sounded promising and made me buy the album... And It has been worth every penny that I have spent on it. A. R. Rehman, Indias gift to music, has done it again. Guys, this album really rocks. It has a range in music that very few albums offer. Your dad will love one song, you will like to swing to Pathshala and your romantic sister will find a softer ballad....
Starting with the title song.... It is not typical Daler Mehendi... and surprises you with sensible lyrics too along with great music. Chitra, though, has been wasted in this song. I guess most of us have heard this song in the trailers, so I wont write much about it.
The song that most people are going to swing to after a while, is Pathshala... Na koi padhne vala, na koi likhne vala... Apni to Pathshala, Masti Ki Pathshala... Its a great dance number, with a remix version thrown in the album for good measure, and has catchy lyrics too.. Reminded me of a movie called Jaan Tere Naam, which I dont think many ppl will remember... The lines of the song LOOSE CONTROL... Im a REBEL... strike a chord with the generation of today... and I guess we are going to hear a lot of this number for a month or two. It lacks staying power though....
My favourite song of the album is the one sung by Lata Mangeshkar and A.R.Rehman-- called Luppa-chhuppi. Lataji sounds uncannily like her younger sibling in this song, and it is a wonderful rendition. A.R.Rehman effortlessly carries the high notes, and the lyrics of the song are just wonderful. Theres no doubt that whether the song becomes a hit or not, it will definitely find its own crowd who can appreciate good music.... and will add it to their favourite songs list, for a long long while.
Another track by Rehman called Roobaro is also good and typical Rehman. Theres a LALKAAR by none other than Mr. Amir Khan, but dont expect an Aati Kya Khandaala... This is a serious Lalkaar which will get the blood of the audience pumped up.
Khoon Chala is a superb melodious with pleasing lyrics, and the singer Mohit Chauhan has wonderfully exploited the nuances of his voice.. this song is one you will come to again and again.
Theres an Arabic number called Khalbali, which disappoints me, but maybe its just because I am not much of a fan of such a type of music. It wouldnt surprise me though, if it too became a hit.
All together, a pot-pourri of different moods that we find ourselves in, we can relate to the songs pretty well. Dont wait for an MP3 of the movie songs which you might get at a later date... We need to encourage such albums by buying the original.. GO AND BUY.....