Rapido, the only leading bike taxi app, which offers bike taxi at the rate Rs.3 per KM. The app has been a real saviour in Bangalore traffic to waddle through the heavy traffic during peak hour traffic. The app allows you to give payment through PayTM and Mobikwit, though there has been some issue with Mobikwik payment. In the past, I have tried linking payment through Mobikwik, but when the trip ends it comes out as a cash payment. The e-wallet has denied mishap on their part. The taxi company have no helpline to reach out during the crisis. Twitter feed asks you to write an email which will take 3 working days to get a response. The app is filled lots of bugs, which makes the user experience poor. The app goes on for several minutes requesting when we minimize the app it confirms the app without any notifications. The refund for cancellation never works at all; the driver can deny the ride or tell you to cancel saying that there is too much traffic on the way. I get connected with the same driver who falsely claimed that he is at the location and wasted my time trying to locate him. The developers have hell lot of works to do in fixing the bug issue.