Rasna really memorize my school days, when I come back from school I buy a one rupee of rasna, and reaches at homes and taking 2 glass of water mix rasna and suger in cold water and drink it really awaresome it taste .
But some time rasna packed found FAULTY the powder we get in packet of rasna is hard and cant mixed properly with water, and some shop keeper selles the old packet of rasna, check before buy it, and some time we cant get a proper taste of it .
Recent Condition
Its summer so I also buy a rasna big packet but we see the price I socket its 110 rupee resion of I buy this because I get a FREE MOBI FAN with it so thats why I buy it but some dayes if using that mobi fan its can broken,
Its inprove you cant add suger in it, but the taste I got I cant like seriously the over orange flavour is come .
Product Quailty
They inprove but taste not, you get only two flavour orange and mango I hope mango is not available this time
Product Package
At one rupee of pack they dont notices some time shell go on the rasna power and the packet get faulty found
Thank you