Rasoimagic, as the name suggest, really brings magic into your kitchen. In what way does it bring magic, well, by giving a great taste to any kind of dish with not much of hassles!
The reason why I felt like sharing my views regarding this product is because I have been using this product since four to five years now and find it so useful!
I remember my hostel days when we used to do all sorts of experiment the moment we got hold of somebodys kitchen since being a hostelite, one always feel like having something different. Those were the days when my eyes caught hold of rasoimagic packets in a grocery shop. There was certain scheme going on then and hence it was displayed in front of the shop. Just for the sake of trying, I took the packet, I remember, it was dum aloo masale. I didnt know till then how it is to be used, so like any other masale I added a spoon of the masale to the vegetable I was cooking. In the back of my mind i had this assumption that this too is like any other garam masale sort of thing. Still I got a different taste and it was good!!
So I recommended my sister who had recently shifted to Maharashtra to use this masale. She too loved it!
Then later I came across a demo of rasoimagic and realised that what really ready to cook means! It was not so simple to break my usual assumptions about masale. this concept of ready to cook was totally a new concept for me, as I had never come across such concept that one need not add anything to the vegetable except for the masale and you get a nice and tasty dish in minutes!!
I will try my best to describe how this masale is to be used, because unless we make the way it is suggested, we will not be able to get the real taste of the masale!
ok, let me explain how to make dum aloo as this is my favourite dish :) First take small sized potatoes and peel it off. Take a little oil in a pan and deep fry these potatoes. In case one does not want to have too much of oily food, just boil these potatoes and stir fry it a little bit and keep it aside. Also, if small sized potatoes are not available, normal potatoes can be cut into cubes and used. ON the packet they suggest to take only 250 gms of potatoes for the entire packet of masale ( which is 50 g), but I prefer adding more of potatoes, usually another 100 - 150 g.
Now, either cut 3 medium sized tomatoes into small pieces or make a puree. One can also use readymade tomoto puree which is available now a days. Cut the packet of raoimagic dum aloo and mix it in half a cup of water and keep it aside.
Now take a frying pan, put 2 tablespoonful of oil, after a minute, add the tomato puree or the finely cut tomatoes , add the masala paste. Stir it for two to three minutes so that the tomatoes get thoroughly mixed with the spices and also it is cooked. Then add the fried potatoes. MIx it and then add two to three cups of water. Stir it and then cover it with a lid for another two to three minutes. Dum aloo is ready! And really the taste is just too good!
All the steps which I have described, takes around 15 minutes right from peeling of the potatoes.
I have found these masales very useful since I can cook anything within half an hour! So now I do not have to entirly depend upon maggie when I do not feel like cutting and cooking anything, since I have rasoimagic with me! LIke if I wish like having paneer makhanwala one day, I should not think of searching a good restaurant and going, instead, all I need to do is to get some fresh paneer and a packet of rasoimagics paneer makanwala, and of course tomato puree. Thats all!
Really, cooking was never so simple! I have also tried some other products, like methi mutter malai, which comes out amazing and its so simple! All I need to get it green peas, which is now a days readily available anywhere! There is no hassles of buying methi, sorting it, cutthing it and then other procedures, everything is added in the masale itself!
I appreciate the efforts taken by the product development team to make such wonderful product, which is so different form other available masales.