Bought my wagonr from ratan motors and till now after one year I am living in nightmare. my newly bought wagonr petrol wobbles at speed of 90kmph.
Ratan motors guys blames the treys and treys companies blame Ratan motors. I have send my car for servicing this 4 times but never they have rectified. after sales service is pathetic. They dont even touch your car....They just do oiling and some bits here and there and give you the car.
Their managers are worst with no knowledge about cars and servicing. My brothers in law swift went for servicing and after the car was ready they banged the car against the wall. front bumper, lights, grill and tyres were required to be replaced. how ir-responsible they are that they bang cars which comes for servicing.
Buy car from here but never go for servicing here. Ratan motors in Chembur Mumbai is the worst nightmare for a customer to have.