I hate even a thought of that movie.
SRK is the biggest reason I went for that movie .
I hate this product no matter what they say here at MS.
This music is bad etc etc.
Few picked out statements from the various written reviews on MS, immediately reading few of such and many more statements we tend to forget the overall crux of what an review says and bang the click of mouse with a raised adrenaline against the writer of the review and straightaway end up in Comments section rating NU or in contrast VU if he/she have just matched up your thoughts, these are instant reactions to a review, The Ratings as we call them.
To me ratings are the quantitative indicator of the success of your review, they represent and display no. against your review, Now no matter you have written with the best of your ability only if you can garner a VU rating with around 25 member ratings to show for than only your review will be called a blockbuster review.
Well How do we rate ?
We rate on the basis on what we feel, how is the review, who is the writer, what are the other ratings on it, reading instant lines rather than the whole review, really RRCing it thoroughly if the review is seriously that good. Those were few factors but I think there can be many more the way a review is rated,
Now coming on to various aspects a Rating helps to generate :
a) Its Motivation to the writer::
Well 100 reads and 20 member ratings is enough to urge someone to write more, so I think we should rate everything we read.
b) Member Missouts::
I read somewhere a member not rating and actually commenting the comments section it doesnt matter well then I would say what if he really didnt liked the review and felt like rating it NU & then commenting the hatred, The point I am making here is You should rate whether VU, U, SU, NU and dont be under the impression that no one would know because every member gets a daily update of the member readings of the review, so eventually it will be known.
c) The Things to keep in mind before rating!!!::
Well look for the product content and whether you get your answer like what, when, where, why, whome and how then the writers personal feel to it, now come to how well it is written, now come to length of the review whether actually it was justified of him to write this lengthy of a review, now come to the writers style (if you know that). So after all this rate it.
d) Impact of rating::
Thats what eventually helps MS and its technology to get Hot reviews, Review of the day and writer the satisfaction the work is read and appreciated. So one should take at least a deep breath to rate a review, because afterall you are making a judgement of some ones pitch for or againt a particular product. Rating is important, Whosoever says it isnt important, I think its time for him/her to think again, imagine you writing the best review of your life and managing 1000 reads but a red tag in it saying Not Rated, no matter how modest you be that will be a rock to swallow.
Its sounds great to actually look at reviews as movies trying there luck at boxoffice, this is a wayward comparison but it works that way, I mean I went through Premjits review on MPKDH which recieved somewhat 117 ratings and very recently Cticizes Lucky review garnered 50 ratings, All I want to say is the ratings give a touch of impression about the whole review, the member.
Eventually where we end, Rating is important, its bad of members to Read & Comment but not rate, remember we talk about Art and Commerce both are important, like a talent is waste without oppurtunity a A good review is no review without Ratings
Thank you for reading, you can comment but youll have to rate.