After the review on this topic by the Keeper of Souls, the Grimm Reaper (diskkonnekt, hereafter referred to as GR) never thought I will write one given that his review summed it all up.
But that was not to be, given the trends that showed up with his review & one of my previous reviews.
God Mode
In practically every computer game there is a cheat mode called God Mode where by entering a certain key combinations the player gets unlimited ammo, invisibility, invincible armour etc. (This is used mainly by programmers for simulation & demo purposes)
The current rating system in MS keeps the person rating the reviews in God Mode that he/she can SR/NR anyone without giving any reasons & move on.
Skewed rating system
Here I have a review which has been R/SR/NRed by 4-5 reviewers without leaving any comments just because they couldnt understand it?. The God individuals (I know they will NR me again without assigning any reasons for this rev. too) didnt even bother to M2M me about what is the gist of this review? before condemning me.
After I M2Med my explanations to those who left the comments they have not even bothered to reply back being the Gods they are ( It is another matter I dont care a damn about the ratings that dont buy me even a piece of bread)
Ego Games
There was a time I was NRed by an individual (in a very old rev) for a honest difference of opinion over a trivial matter. I replied back thanking him for his ratings & gave my explanations in the comments section. From that day on ( interestingly the day he commented was a long time after the rev. was written & the day my some other rev. was flashing as Review of the Day. Somebody had to prove something.) he has consciously avoided reading/rating my reviews.
That is fine with me, I dont write my revs. to be read by immature individuals who cant handle any difference of opinions.
And some people just rate using a different rating not used by the rest to show that they are different from the crowd (and hence more intelligent).
Hollowness of TL
If you have me on your TL & dont feel I am trustworthy enough to M2M or Comment me to seek explanations in case you dont understand my revs ( you can reach your own conclusions after the explanations, NR me if you dont find me convincing), please remove me from your TL. I am not a political leader trying to build my own political party here.
Lack of Humour
I was fooled by science when it claimed Humans use their brains to read. I was proved wrong in the last couple of days.
When GR wrote his rev. suddenly someone popped up threatening to stop writing reviews without understanding what the review was about. Dictionaries seem to have deleted the words joke, humour, sarcasm, spoof & satire.
You write about bad roads in a city definitely someone will NR you to show his/her loyalty to that city.
Someone called me a Minnow without understanding what my only Recommended review was about ( he didnt even bother to rate it). Yes, I finally got my first much deserved Recommended review which I hope will always remain Recommended (like JeDI wants his Thumbs Up rev. )to remind me of the sheer hypocrisy of the individuals.
These very individuals who have made some really crappy revs about DotComs, Newspapers, cities etc. a veritable who-is-who of MS in the comments section elevating it to the status of unofficial MS guest book dont find time to drop comments or seek explanations on revs. they cant understand but still rate it just for the heck of it.
Biased Rating
I also know a few individuals who read/rate/comment purely based on gender. Some have reserved their TLs exclusively for Femme Fatales, some hiding it while others not savvy enough to hide their gender preferrences.
There are a few Star Writers who dont read the reviews of reviewers who have not HRed them. They consciously skip mine while rating one before & one after (all in time period of 10-15 mins) for the sin of not having rated them. (While Tom-Toming equality, fraternity, quality, fairness etc. etc. in every review)
It has become a Fashion Statement to NR every review that someone doesnt agree with or even other reviews of that Reviewer to take revenge for having vented his feelings.
The peak of this intolerance was when Mughalas rev on India (I dont share & infact oppose many of her views, she knows it better than others) was yanked off, while the crap written by the Flagged (almost Mouth Sealed) Imran has been preserved for posterity.
Mughalas faults being
1) She is not a star writer hence not licenced to write crap
2) She is of Indian origin & has no rights to criticize India like other international reviewers.
Her rev on Best/Worst actors/actresses has been NRed just for being under the wrong category, while a Star Writer who has deliberately (for what ever reasons) has posted a rev. under wrong category has been HRed (even by the individual who NRed me for posting under wrong category to grind his axe)
Who now should stop writing?
Probably Mughala whose reviews have been victimized while others were let off easily?
Or it should be me who is writing all these reviews wasting my time, to be read & rated by people who cant understand it & dont have the patience to enquire what was it all about before condemning me?
Fake Ratings
I know a person who has 5 Fake Ids witch-hunting popular writers. I have already helped a senior writer file an abuse complaint against this individual. If you are a Star Writer you have atleast 2 Fake Ids of this individual in your DLed by list. I am also sure that this individual is going to NR me using a few of his Fake ids & add me to 2-3 DLs of his/her other Fake Ids (now that he stands exposed). I dont care. ( Go to Hell!!! - my strong comments to that sick individual. Hope someone will NR me for using strong language again)
Moral of the Story
NR me for writing my true feelings or M2M Faisal to add a Ratings comment forcing these Gods to explain their ratings. This should stop Fake Ids NRing all & sundry for personal reasons. I strongly believe the ratings should be objective & not subjective like now.
I believe a TL/DL comments should also be added so that others know why the writer was TL/DLed & Fake Ids abusing the system stand exposed.
What are you waiting for? Being a responsible CEO I am sure Faisal will not ignore it if 100 individuals demand it all together.
If you cant do that just NR me, I dont want you to HR me just for the heck of it. Atleast I will get my first totally NRed review proving me totally wrong that Humans can think & act
Ignore the Mess
Till the system is corrected, my advice to all is to just ignore Ratings, DLs/TLs (which dont mean anything despite all the pretense surrounding it) like I do & move on with life (atleast then you wont act like a Hypocrite)