I have become a member recently.I have been studying this rating carefully since BEGINNING!I may be wrong;but can I express myself?It is like this--
1)There are groups;which are recomending each other;even if the revieiw carries no meaning!These groups are easily identified.
2)On internet the review should be short;more informative;& not self praising.If it is too lengthy & carries self praiseshould be edited.
3)Reviews of members of other countries than ours (India), should be encouraged.I found local people( of our country) are more encouraged.
4)Broad subjects should be recommended by MouthShut.More importance is being given to certain people;so much that I can give names of these people.so sad.
I know this review of mine will not be on front by MS;or may be for a few minutes!
Let truth prevail.