I would like to present this review as a series of questions to put to yourself, think and then read the answers:
Q: The first point to be considered is, what is the purpose of most people who visit MouthShut.com, or any site on the internet for that matter?
A: The usual purpose of the internet is as an information seeking device. As an example, Google.com is the most popular web address in the world. Thus, most people prefer to visit MouthShut.com as it gives them a single point of access to lots of opinions and experiences on using a particular product or service. Usually the “Very Useful” reviews feature at the top, hence when you give this rating, you are letting other people know that this is an authentic review.
Q: But I write a lot of reviews, so what if I don’t rate others reviews?
A: The very process of feedback ensures in filtering the wheat from the chaff. The above attitude is similar to the attitude “I only want to bat, I don’t like bowling and fielding much.” In cricket! What would be the consequences if all were born authors and no one ever became a reader :-)
Q: My attitude is “Live and Let Live” – Am I nor right in giving good ratings to these blessed folks here trying to develop their talents?
A: While it is good to give ratings, discretion should be exercised about which rating to give – the rating may make or break the decision of the reader to buy or not buy that product / service. A wrongly given rating may cause immeasurable damage to someones reputation and even the fate of consumerism – what if people blindly buy a product based on MS alone when in reality it sucks?
Q: So what are the points to be considered before assigning a rating?
A: Start by evoking the critic in you. Consider initially that “the review is useful” and then try to keep in mind that human psychology will always make a review subjective and avoid treating the words written as The Bible. Before deciding on the quality of the review as a whole, consider how the review subjectively appears to you by applying some adjectives like:
Mediocre drawling, too long, content not concentrated?
Written with vested interests?
Grammatically bad?
Casual commentary?
Going overboard with praise for minuscule reasons?
Then before actually assigning a rating just ponder a second over such points:
Has the review given me knowledge, and has it uncovered some fresh aspects I never thought of?
Decide whether the review itself is good, apart from bringing out the quality of the product – is it though provoking, fun, imaginative and makes its way to your mind during the time you trot around with the shopping basket in the mall?
Finally give the appropriate rating as an encouragement to write more (Rating >= Useful) or write better ( Rating <= Somewhat Useful) ! And add a comment as well describing exactly what you liked, or how it cn be improved!
So why dont you start by rating this very review....
After all practicing what you have read is half the part of good reading, which is why we visit MouthShut.com anyway - to read and to relish the readings!