is very useful, its so easy to know about a product now, gone are the days when I would have to ask hundred people before buying something expensive, now I can just do that in a matter of minutes, the exposure is just mind blowing, I love the idea of rating a product, giving out the pros and cons very clearly with a review title of your choice, on customer is the king and it should be that way.
I am sure no business can run for a long time if they cheat their customers. We spend our hard earned money, we definitely do not deserve to be cheated, I do not know who is the founder of but whoever it is has done a very good job and I respect that person.
Now on the negative side, there may be big companies trying to write fake reviews on products, serious action should be taken against them.this place should be kept clean for the common man.
I am a fan of If there are any meetings of I would love to attend it.