I am not a regular visitor to Rathna cafe, I still get puzzled why a normal coffee costs Rs.11.25, is there any special thing in it?
regular users please reply
I dont know much about other hotels .. still I feel this coffee price has been increased within some six months.. last September when I had coffee the price was roughly Rs. 9 and I dont want to get too much into economy of our country or the hotels business point of you..
any one who reads this till this point, I want to ask you one question.
"Do you think if you are a normal middle class man, can afford a coffee for Rs.11.25p? without even any micro bad feeling that it is little more?"
" if your answer is yes, then I know you wont reply. if no, then please make an effort to reply... or suggest some constructive things, like to whom can we forward such issues...
comment please...
thank you..