Ratnagiri Times is the marathi daily circulated around konkan region of maharashtra which includes districts of Mumbai, Greater Mumbai, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg. The coverage of news is from these localities add a flavor of the land which very few newspapers offer leave aside the national dailies.
I always prefer news about the region around me but the national newspapers offer all the news but which concerns me. They are sometimes appear to be printed and edited in New York and I feel aliented. Newspapers like Ratnagiri Times, Pudhari are great relievers in such an environment.
Most of the news items in Ratnagiri Times are from District of Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg and the normal Konkani relishes it by heart. It relives his memory of his distant native place in konkan.
Ratnagiri Times has many editions, that includes a mumbai edition also. It is available in all nooks and corners of mumbai city where konkani marathi population resides.