Blowing up.. planes, trains / buses, markets / temples. Is not the goal of terrorists, those are just tactics. The real goals / targets of terrorism are the rest of us; the millions of us who are not killed but are terrorised because of killing.
The real point of terrorism is not the act itself, but our reaction to the act. Reactions like riots, war, etc. If we will fight again and blame any religion, then we will do exactly what Pakistan (terrorists) want. Our politicians help the terrorists every time.
They use these terrorist acts for their cheap politics. I’ll bet the terrorists, our enemies are laughing at us.Probably they laugh on our stupidity of choosing these corrupt politicians, who are using and killing us. Many of our politicians are themselves criminals / terrorists. take example of Jaipur where there was no police to defuse live bombs because everyone was busy with VIPs’ visits.
Sometime, I feel that our politicians are using us for their benefits. There are things our government can and should do fight terrorism, if they really want to do something to minimise terrorism. There must be super fast track courts for cases related to terrorism. Why our politicians have made these terrorists our guests? Terrorists Like Abu Salem, Mohd Afzal and Telgi should be hanged on urgent basis without any mercy. There is no need of spending more time or money on these above mentioned terrorists.
No politicians should interfere in our Army’s and police operations. Politicians should only get election’s rights on the basis of their past records / works related to humanity / nation. Our job is to think critically and to ignore cacophony of other interests trying to use terrorism to advance political career and our job is to fight these politicians who use our votes / police / army for their personal benefits. Why The terrorists will think of us, they are hungry of money, they dont have any religion, they don’t have heart to attack from front and most important they are not our own. But our politicians are our own, elected by we people.
I request all those who have lost their own people in terrorists’ attacks that please don’t accept any condolence or money from these politicians. If they really want to help affected families, then they should hang all those who are involved in these terrorist acts. And if they can’t, then these politicians should quit politics.
Just Think of future of this country... Mumbai blasts, Ajmer blasts, Hyderabad blasts, Delhi blasts and Jaipur blasts…. How many more blasts will open our politicians’ eyes our eyes? Friends, we youngsters need to change the current power structure. No more wars, riots, scandals, lies of politicians shouldnt be acceptable. Only Solution is our more involvement in politics / humanity / patriotism.Believe in humanity and in the strength of youngsters. We have a power of votes. We have a power of internet and mobile. If we teenagers /youngsters can’t figure out how to participate meaningfully in politics.. then who will.. we have the power to change the course of the nation and bring it on its right track....