Its been nearly ages since Ray Ban has ruled the styling arena of youth worldwide. The much touted "Top Gun" Aviators sported by Tom Cruise finds numerous inroads into our Hindi Movieland too. "Shootout at Lokhandwala" ..had every cop sporting Aviator starting from Abhishek Bachchan to Sanjay Dutt. Aviator just adds a new dimension to your masculinity. Its one of the most widely used models of Ray Ban just beause of its affordability(no compromises on the quality).
I have been an avid Aviator fan since my college days but sported them only when I got my first paycheck. Its a bliss undefined.
Recently I purchased Ray Ban Agordo of the sleek eye wear from the motley collection of Ray Ban Group. For all those who are stil content with stuff like Fastrack, its time to go in for a change and be with the times. Ray Ban is numero uno in the eyewear stream...Gucci, Armani, Versace may have a league of their own but ultimately the classy Ray Ban rules the majority of eyeballs.