Let me first clarify that I have nothing against Readers digest. In fact I am still a fan of the magazine. I just want to share my experiences about Readers Digest Sweepstakes competition, which promises total Rs.10, 000, 000.00 worth of prize money. It all started the day I received an offer from Readers Digest to subscribe the magazine for one year@379/-. I opted for it and started getting the magazines at the designated address at regular intervals. Then came the offer of Sweepstakes one day. Normally I never entertain such offers. First time in life I decided not to ignore and fell into the trap. This is just because of great reputation of the readers digest. The offer stated that I am one of the rare lucky contestants who have been selected for the offer and I have already cleared two preliminary rounds(god knows how) and my permissions are needed to proceed further. I was delighted and agreed promptly. And why not - they were even paying the postal charges for the from of agreement. Then I started to receive a series of letters almost every week stating that I am inching closer to the prize. The letters brought with them different offers to subscribe to other books published by RD family.The days of generosity were gone. I was paying the postal charge by now because I decided against subscribing to any other book. If you subscribe then only they pay your postal charges! This went on for about six months, during which I became desperate to find out where it ends. Then gradually my desperation turned into frustration(THANK GOD) and I decided to stop replying to their letters. Thank god I did not spend more money by subscribing to some other book of RD family. I am notsure whether to blame Readers Digest for this, but I surely am disappointed by such mean business policy from my favourite magazine.
WARNING: Think twicebefore opting for Sweepstakes. Many of my friends received the offer(RD say it is for privileged members only!) and all who opted have thesame experience.