Readers Digest is a really cool magazine instead I should call it my long time companion .since I have started understanding pros n cons of this world it has been with me guiding me through all my stages of life .I have grown with it like a grape twig draws along with it a bit of paper as if it needs the bit to grow n guide it to top of rigid support.It is filled of all kinds of fun , romance , works of cool artists and also thrill filled n action packed real life experiences of people that encourage me a lot to go ahead and face this world in a brand new confident way.I enjoy my holidays a lot more in its company.Let it be a holiday, Sunday or anyday I feel like reading its always there to give me company. “After all books are man’s best friends” Time I spend in its company just fly away like anything let it be day or night.To whoever reads it my friend I advice to upgrade ur lifestyle and add reader digest flavour to it.