Same story form my side. I got this sweepstake email some days back. Initially I deleted it, but when I got it second time, I thought of giving it a look(keeping this in mind that I have to pull my hands the moment they ask for my bank a/c no or credit-card no).
I flipped thru a no. of pages when eventually I came across an option of Yes / No. Yes would imply draw in 3 lotteries and No would imply to one draw. For yes, I have to subscribe to a yearly package.
Believe me or not, the way web pages were desgned was so tempting that for once I did thought of going for a yes. But then, I followed the rule of the thumb and (THANK GOD) I clicked on No.
So, I missed the bait by a narrow margin. Anyone who receives such mails should at first read this page before opting for those subscriptions.